West shorE

This is a list of our favorite dive and snorkeling sites on the West Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. We are working to get updated guides for all of these sites soon!
Makua Beach
Dive Type: Shore Dive
Dive Difficulty: Intermediate
Snorkeling: Intermediate/Advanced
Average Depth: 20 - 45 Feet
Coordinates: 21.353711, -158.132011
Parking: Moderate (Dirt lot)
Kea'au Beach
Dive Type: Shore Dive
Dive Difficulty: Intermediate
Snorkeling: Advanced
Average Depth: 25 - 40 Feet
Coordinates: 21.489105, -158.230274
Parking: Moderate (Crowded)
Ulua Cave (Black Rock)
Dive Type: Boat/DPV Dive
Dive Difficulty: Advanced
Snorkeling: Not Recommended
Average Depth: 40 - 90 Feet
Coordinates: 21.457610, -158.218699
Parking: N/A
The Mahi Shipwreck
Dive Type: Wreck Dive (Boat/DPV access)
Difficulty: Advanced
Snorkeling: Not Recommended
Average Depth: 70 - 100 Feet
Coordinates: 21.413233, -158.195483
Parking: N/A
Yokohama Bay
Dive Type: Shore Dive
Dive Difficulty: Intermediate
Snorkeling: When calm
Average Depth: 20 - 35 Feet
Coordinates: 21.547077, -158.242881
Parking: Moderate (Crowded)